Protecting refugees – Maintaining human dignity. Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe (SFH)/Swiss Refugee Council (SRC) fights to ensure that Switzerland complies with the right to protection from persecution guaranteed under the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention. It is committed to ensuring that asylum seekers obtain a fair procedure and that recognised refugees are given equal opportunities to take part in Switzerland economically, socially and culturally.
The SRC advocates a just and humane asylum policy, for example through awareness-raising campaigns. It publishes position papers and media communiqués on asylum practices and on current requirements in the Asylum Act and the Foreign Nationals Act.
SRC helps guide asylum seekers through “the jungle”, that is, the Swiss legal system and conducts research to analyse the situation in their countries of origin. When it comes to the integration of refugees, SRC helps by making a financial contribution to their education.
SRC stands for an open-minded Switzerland with a sense of solidarity.
«Hope just means another world might be possible, not promised, not guaranteed.
Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope.» – Rebecca Solnit
Mit dem Überthema «Zweitausendjetzt» iniziert das B-Sides eine längerfristige Plattform für wichtige gesamtgesellschaftliche Themen, bei welcher bedeutungsvolle kulturelle Projekte, wie «The Art of A Culture of Hope» Gehör geschaffen werden soll. Die Liste der eingereichten Projekte findest du unter Projects of Hope. Dort kannst du auch dein eigenes Projekt vorstellen.
With this years festival subject matter «Zweitausendjetzt» (twothousendnow), B-Sides has initiated a longterm platform for important macrosocial projects, such as «The Art of a Culture of Hope». Submit your own Project of Hope HERE!