Elisabeth Masé is a painter and a writer. She is living and working in Berlin. With her husband she was living in Austin, Texas for some month. There she experienced hope and fear on many levels. America the country where everything is supposed to be possible. And Amercia the country which is also marked by poverty, violence and a country which is moving into a very insecure future. Masé processed all the experience she made there, and wrote and painted and sewed…. The result are wonderful paintings and poetry. Both vulnerable and violent at the same time.
«Hope just means another world might be possible, not promised, not guaranteed.
Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope.» – Rebecca Solnit
Mit dem Überthema «Zweitausendjetzt» iniziert das B-Sides eine längerfristige Plattform für wichtige gesamtgesellschaftliche Themen, bei welcher bedeutungsvolle kulturelle Projekte, wie «The Art of A Culture of Hope» Gehör geschaffen werden soll. Die Liste der eingereichten Projekte findest du unter Projects of Hope. Dort kannst du auch dein eigenes Projekt vorstellen.
With this years festival subject matter «Zweitausendjetzt» (twothousendnow), B-Sides has initiated a longterm platform for important macrosocial projects, such as «The Art of a Culture of Hope». Submit your own Project of Hope HERE!