The Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) strives to prevent impunity, promote redress, and facilitate principled reform. SJAC works to ensure that human rights violations in Syria are comprehensively documented and preserved for use in transitional justice and peace-building. SJAC collects documentation of violations from all available sources, stores it in a secure database, catalogues it according to human rights standards, and analyzes it using legal expertise and big data methodologies. SJAC also supports documenters inside Syria, providing them with resources and technical guidance, and coordinates with other actors working toward similar aims: a Syria defined by justice, respect for human rights, and rule of law.
«Hope just means another world might be possible, not promised, not guaranteed.
Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope.» – Rebecca Solnit
Mit dem Überthema «Zweitausendjetzt» iniziert das B-Sides eine längerfristige Plattform für wichtige gesamtgesellschaftliche Themen, bei welcher bedeutungsvolle kulturelle Projekte, wie «The Art of A Culture of Hope» Gehör geschaffen werden soll. Die Liste der eingereichten Projekte findest du unter Projects of Hope. Dort kannst du auch dein eigenes Projekt vorstellen.
With this years festival subject matter «Zweitausendjetzt» (twothousendnow), B-Sides has initiated a longterm platform for important macrosocial projects, such as «The Art of a Culture of Hope». Submit your own Project of Hope HERE!